Fondazione Social Venture Giordano Dell’Amore

Tipologia investimenti: Equity


In-Domus is a private company leading in the Student Housing sector in Milan, born in 2014 under the initiative of the Fondazione Housing Sociale – emanation of Fondazione Cariplo. The Company offers over 1,000 beds (about 25% of the offer of private operators in Milan) through three different structures – Milano Internazionale, Milano Monneret and …

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Centrica s.r.l. is a company born in Florence in 1999 from the experience of 3 engineers – Marco Cappellini, Paolo De Rocco and Paolo Romoli – and engaged in the digitization of works and places of art. It has developed ArtCentrica, an EdTech platform that allows you to catalogue, view and compare high-resolution works, carry …

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Artonauti is an editorial project born in 2016 and launched in March 2019. The company is mainly engaged in the dissemination of the figurative arts for children aged between 6 and 11, in particular through the creation of albums for the collection of stickers relating to the world of art, as well as books and …

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Kazaam Lab

Kazaam Lab is a start-up that has launched Kazaam eHealth Platform: a digital platform based on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence that intends to support professionals in the healthcare sector during the decision-making process. Kazaam eHealth responds to the need to adapt therapies to the specificities of individuals, filling the current “gap” between the amount …

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SharryLand was founded in 2017 in Padua as an S.r.l. and innovative start-up, and in 2020 it became a Benefit Company. In operation since November 2019, it has created a national platform as well as a mobile app which features a social marketplace, wiki, search engine and community tools. Its operating model is based on …

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Plasma TechMED

Plasma TechMED is an italian start-up born in 2021, which is powered by the ten-year experience of researchers from the RFX Consortium and the University of Padua, with the aim of making innovative devices based on “cold” plasma technology available in the biomedical sector: an emerging science that, through the use of different techniques, exploits …

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Alchemilla is a nonprofit social cooperative that was founded in 2015 as an innovative start-up with a social vocation, which deals with pedagogical projects aimed at children through the use of art, theater, and new digital technologies. Its goal is to offer teachers, families and museums tools that give young children a voice by presenting …

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Vesti Solidale

Vesti Solidale is a type B Social Cooperative whose mission is the job placement of people with different types of vulnerability (physical and mental disability, alcohol and/or drug addiction and prisoners) and who find themselves in conditions of economic fragility. It operates in the circular economy, in environmental protection and in the dissemination of eco-sustainable …

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Werea S.r.l. is a start-up of Italian origin that created the collaborative platform AerariumChain (AEC). The AerariumChain (AEC) project was set up to generate new value for museums, institutions and all custodians of works of art, contributing to the preservation of cultural heritage and improving the museum experience through the generation of NFTs (Not-Fungible Tokens). …

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Ecomill is the Italian crowdinvesting platform that is dedicated to energy transition and sustainability. Through the platform, it is possible to finance: the development, construction and acquisition of infrastructure projects (such as generation plants from renewable sources, energy efficiency measures and the digitalization of buildings, storage, charging infrastructure for sustainable mobility, district heating networks, and …

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