Fondazione Social Venture Giordano Dell’Amore is the strategic and operational arm of Fondazione Cariplo in the field of impact investing.
It was born in the wake of the heritage of values and assets matured by two important philanthropic institutions/organizations

Fondazione Opere Sociali (FOS) was established in the late 50s by the Cassa di Risparmio delle Provinces of Lombardy to provide welfare services for the elderly and education for young people. In recent years its activity has been linked to the management and enhancement of the student residence of via Monneret De Villard in Milan.
Fondazione Social Venture Giordano Dell’Amore (FSVGDA) was a private law foundation started by Fondazione CRT and the Compagnia di San Paolo. Established in 1977, the Foundation had already been operational for a decade: it represents the evolution of the Center for Financial Assistance to African Countries (Finafrica), created in Milan in 1967 by Professor Giordano Dell’Amore.
The Foundation was launched in 2017 with initial endowment assets of € 7.6 million

2,6 MLN/ €

5 MLN/ €
Who was Giordano Dell’Amore?
Italian economist, banker, politician and academic, Giordano Dell’Amore was president of CARIPLO - Cassa di Risparmio delle Provincie Lombarde -, of the World Savings Banks Institute and rector of the Luigi Bocconi Commercial University.
He worked to promote the emergence of savings banks in developing countries. He founded Fondazione Giordano Dell’Amore of the same name: a private law body/institution/organization, established in July 1977 and active in promoting the microfinance and inclusive finance sectors.

“ La figura di Giordano Dell’Amore non ha mai smesso di far percepire la propria presenza, tanto attraverso le opere compiute, quanto grazie all’eredità del suo pensiero illuminato e delle sue intuizioni ”
Giuseppe Guzzetti, presidente della Fondazione Cariplo dal 1997 al 2019