Fondazione Social Venture Giordano Dell’Amore

La Cordata

La Cordata is a social cooperative founded in Milan in 1989, committed to the development and management of integrated residential interventions, aimed at offering accessible reception services to those who need temporary housing solutions: students/workers away from home or tourists, people and families in situations of socio-economic fragility, mothers with children in conditions of social hardship, people with disabilities and minors in difficulty. The cooperative manages a total of 7 structures and approximately 180 apartments in 16 municipalities of the metropolitan city of Milan, using the housing and functional mix as the main strategic lever for promoting the well-being of people in local communities. In fact, within the accommodation facilities that offer short, medium and long-term hospitality, the temporary housing and hotel reception services (residential services) are fully integrated with the psycho-pedagogical and social support services (non-residential services), with the the aim of giving life to new forms of living and sociality.

La Cordata is now supported by Fondazione Social Venture Giordano Dell’Amore (or “FSVGDA”), which has invested €150,000 in the initiative as part of “Impact4Coop”: the program born from the synergy between FSVGDA and Fondazione Cariplo which puts in place 2.2MLN/€ to contribute to the strengthening of the capital and the development of the cooperative sector.


La Cordata intends to provide an answer to the need for housing through the valorisation of people and their relationships, promoting their diversity and favoring forms and processes of housing integration in a logic of subsidiarity between different individual and collective actors. In this sense, the cooperative offers socio-housing and, where necessary, educational support, with the aim of facilitating families in exiting emergency situations, encouraging the improvement of their working, living and relational conditions. The cooperative, through collaboration with high-profile professionals (educators, social workers, architects and urban planners, financial educators, community managers, psychologists and psychotherapists, mediators) declines its intervention, activating projects and services in two operational macro-areas: Home and Care. The Home area is dedicated to living services – especially social housing. Specifically: temporary residential services with medium or low intensity of accompaniment which are differentiated by target, length of stay and path towards autonomy (Abitare in Rete, Smart House, Abito Con and Arcipelago Housing) and non-residential orientation services to live (Living Agency). The area also includes short, medium and long-term hotel-type reception services for students, workers, tourists, organized groups and social aimed at young people and families experiencing fragile situations (Zumbini 6, Brodoloni 24, WoodHouse ). The Care area, on the other hand, deals with residential services with a high intensity of educational support and territorial projects of integration and social cohesion dedicated to foreign minors, new adults, single mothers with children and people with disabilities (Case Saltatempo, Casa di Gino, Erin, Casa Alla Fontana, Casa Le Scie, Vicini di Casa, Homeward).
Foundation year
Legal status
Social Cooperative
Accessible housing services
In portfolio since
Type of investment